
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Don't Vote

Statists think anarchists are simplistic idiots when they say "don't vote." How can not voting (doing nothing) change or fix anything?

 Taken literally like that, it is simplistic. But what is more simplistic is believing that people can do important management of society and protecting of freedom by checking a few boxes on a ballot every few years. Would that it were so simple.

Millions are spent on talking heads to give elections and your vote the illusion of making a difference. 

The advice to "don't vote" is really short for "don't play their silly games." People can't run a society and protect freedom by simply voting every few years and turning over a huge chunk of their earnings to a group of rulers and trust them to take care of matters. That has always failed and always will. All political parties have the same goal: to be your master.

There is no shortcut for the millions of decisions needed daily by free people to run and protect a society. Each person is required to think at some level and capacity, but none can be allowed to forcefully take the earnings of others under the color of authority and protection. 

And yes, it will require some independent reading and thinking to understand the ideas of anarchy (voluntaryism.) If you want rulers, you want socialism. Learn until you understand.

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